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If you have a question about pest control, termite treatments or one of our many services, see our list of frequently asked questions below. If you can’t find the answer to your query, contact our friendly and knowledgeable team at our Gold Coast office! We’re happy to help!

Redback Spider Treatment Gold Coast

Red Back Spider Bites and Treatments

Redback Spiders are found Australia-wide, but are most common in urban areas living under roof eaves, floorboards, shelves, flower pots or in garden sheds. Female Redback Spiders are black, sometimes brown, and can be identified by a red or orange stripe on top of their abdomen. The male Redback Spider is usually light brown with white or yellow markings instead of red or orange. The female generally grows to 1cm while the male is a modest 5mm.

Watch out for the female
The female is characteristically aggressive and is the only one capable of harming humans. The male’s fangs are incapable of penetrating human skin.


The bite of the Redback Spider is highly venomous. It is characterised by intense localised pain around the bite site. Other plavix 75 mg online common  symptoms of a Redback Spider bite include:

  • Sweating
  • Muscular weakness
  • Loss of coordination
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Convulsions (in serious cases)

How Do I Treat a Redback Spider Bite?

A Redback Spider bite can be life-threatening to a child or pregnant women, but is rarely serious for an adult.


  • Keep casualty under constant observation
  • Apply an ice pack or a cold compress to lessen the pain
  • If the casualty is a young child, a pregnant women or if collapse occurs and pain is severe, transport the casualty to emergency medical treatment. Anitvenom is available.

The bite site is likely to remain red and itchy for a few days after the bite occurs. If symptoms are still present after 7 days, revisit your doctor.

Read more on Australia Wide First Aid 

Huntsmen Spider Treatment Gold Coast

Tips on Spider Control Gold Coast

  • Vacuum regularly, high and low – particularly sheltered spots such as beneath worktops, backs of cupboards or under/behind large furniture.
  • Fill in gaps – in walls, around pipework and under doors to reduce entry points.
  • Remove environments spiders love – like firewood piles, garden bags, compost piles and general clutter cheap plavix 75 mg from near or around your property.
  • Exterminate other insects – By having regular Pest Control Treatments by your local Pest King technician. This will reduce insects that help feed spiders. And thus reducing spider infestation.
  • Remove webs – on a regular basis.