Cockroaches found on the Gold Coast
Smokey Brown Cockroach
Shining dark brown in colour. Wings longer than the body in male; only just overlap abdomen in female.
- Nocturnal (hides during the day in cracks and crevices or any other dark warm places).
- Lives in trees, under bark, under flooring, and enters buildings at night time.
Australian Cockroach
Females deposit the ootheca (egg case) containing 24 eggs a day after production.
- Enter buildings at night from gardens/debris.
- Generally prevalent in areas where winters are relatively mild.
- Despite its name, it isn’t a native species.
Oriental Cockroach
The wings undeveloped in female and cover ¾ length of the abdomen in the male. They are dark brown and black in colour.
- Oriental cockroaches thrive in cool, damp areas such as basements, drains and openings beneath porches.
- Runs rather than flys.
German Cockroach
German cockroaches are easily identifiable by 2 dark longitudinal stripes on their pronotum.
- Most commonly found indoors.
- Prefers wet, humid conditions and are typically found in kitchens and bathrooms in homes and commercial properties.
American Cockroach
Shining red–brown in color. Wings longer than the body in male; only just overlap abdomen in female.
- American cockroach prefers dark, humid and undisturbed areas and can be found in subfloors, basements, kitchens, roof voids and bathrooms of homes.
Brown Banded Cockroach
One of the smallest pest cockroaches, brown banded adult cockroaches. Characterised by yellow-brown stripes across their abdomen.
- Preference for warm and humid environments leads them to live in heated buildings – ceilings, attics, inside and around appliance motors.